Quintic Tutorial v26
1. Getting Started
- Open a video file
- Play at different speeds
- Play frame-by-frame
- Zoom
- Memo Pad / Audio Memo
- Quintic CD Burn
- Quintic Instant Email
- Quintic URL - Streaming an internet video
2. Make a Mark
- Markers & Stopwatch
- Shapes & Drawing Tools
- Angles - Vertical & Horizontal
- Calibrate and measuring linear distance
- Floating Tool Bars
3. Take a Picture
- Photo Snapshot
- Photo Sequence (up to 18 images)
- Export Analysis
4. Synchronisation
- Viewing Modes
- Video Synchronisation
- Blend frames of a video
- Overlay two synchronised videos
5. Video Codec Set-Up
- Video Codec Set-up
- Install Quintic Recommended Codecs
- Microsoft Windows Vista
6. Quintic Editor
- Editing a Video
- Saving a Video
- Trimming a Video
- Video Filters
7a. High-Speed Video Capture
- Set-up
- Single Camera Capture
- Multi Camera Capture
7b. High-Speed Camera Set-up
- USB Camera Installation & Set-up
- GigE Camera Installation & Set-up
- Single GigE High Speed Camera Configuration
- Multi GigE High-Speed Camera Configuration
- Infrared (IR) LED Ring Light Set-up

High-Speed Camera Set-up
(~0.7 MB) |
7c. High-Speed Video Capture |
- Quintic Single High-Speed Capture
- Quintic Multi High-Speed Capture

High-Speed Video Capture
(~0.8 MB) |
8a. Manual Digitisation |
- Calibration
- Create Digitisation Templates
- Manual Digitisation

Manual Digitisation
(~0.9 MB) |
8b. Automatic Digitisation |
- Automatic Digitisation
- Manual tracking
- Interpolation
- Digitisation Trace Review
- Editing a Trace
- Butterworth Filters & Residual Analysis
- Viewing a trace
- Animation Window
- Single Video Linear Analysis
- Single Video Angular Analysis
- Multi Video Linear Analysis
- Multi Video Angular Analysis
- Centre of Mass Models (Male & Female)
- Intersection Models
Digitisation Analysis
(~0.8 MB) |
10. Quintic CSV Synchronisation
- Quintic CSV
(Biomechanics v26 only)
- In the Quintic Biomechanics v26 software you can synchronise data from an external piece of hardware using the new CSV sync function.
This function is flexible to allow synchronisation from any hardware that can export to a .CSV file.
- Examples include:
Pressure plates
Force plates
EMG systems
Cycling power cranks
Pressure insoles
And much more…

Quintic CSV Synchronisation
(~0.8 MB)
11. Quintic Automatic Reports
- Create Automatic PDF detailed reports using the data produced from Quintic Biomechanics software.
- Gait : (Treadmill or Overground Analysis)
- Cycling : (Bike Fitting / Biomechanical Analysis)
- Equine Gait : (Walking / Trotting)
- Golf Putting : (Indoors / Outdoors)

Quintic CYCLING Report

Quintic EQUINE Report

Quintic PUTTING Report |
Appendices v26 |
- Camera Guidelines
- Troubleshooting
- System Requirements
- Glossary of terms
- Quintic Sports Science
- Conversion Charts
- Anatomical Movements
- Digitisation Templates
- Digitisation Model
- Quintic Analysis (Linear & Angular)
- Butterworth Filters
- Uninstall Procedure
Tutorial Answer Sheet |
- Answers to all the Quintic v26 Tutorials...
don't cheat!?!